About Me
- Name: kristen
- Location: Manitoba, Canada
hey everyone! my name is kristen! and i set up this blog to show you some of my creations. the name of my earring "company" is "outside the (shoe)box". right now, all my supplies are in a shoebox. and i am also giving 50% of all the proceeds of these earrings to crisis pregnancy centre. those are the 2 reasons for the name. a shoebox can relate to abortion - the doctors discard of the babies by putting their bodies in shoeboxes. and i want to take a stand against abortion, and join the cause of crisis pregnancy centre. it's not only about standing against abortion, but coming alongside the women/families affected by these little lives. so, take a look at my earrings, and if you're interested in purchasing any, leave a comment and we'll get in contact!
At September 10, 2007 at 6:21 p.m.,
Bethany Jade Speers said…
HAPPY BIRTHDAY RYAN!! good thing none of you were in your birthday suit. that would not be good. hope you had fun! :)
much love
At September 12, 2007 at 5:36 p.m.,
e said…
God bless
At September 13, 2007 at 6:41 p.m.,
Bethany Jade Speers said…
check out the video on my blog, Kris! its from fievel goes west.
At September 15, 2007 at 10:15 p.m.,
Anonymous said…
Hi good to see your new pics. boy your hair has sure grown. Mine too but not on top. oh well. just had Grandma over for her birthday. good carrot cake. miss you D
At October 9, 2007 at 1:20 p.m.,
Auntie Pam said…
hey gorgeous!!! i know i haven't posted any comments for a loooong time...but that doesn't mean i've forgotten about you...just means our computer crashed big time and, well, let's not dwell on the negative. it's soooo good to see that you are having so much fun and have so many good (altho strange looking! ;D) friends! we all love you lots and pray for you always! keep updating...we love to see what you are up to!
much love
auntie pam & crew
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