more pictures! yay!
i love this group. they are the greatest people ever. here we're about to go wombat chasing... after eating kangaroo steaks, of course. the best time ever! so far, the best times i've had here have been with my family group. i love them
here are only a few pictures so far! i'll have more sometime. it takes FOREVER to load them, so be happy with these for now. ok? if you have comments, send them my way! i love to hear from you.

catching the wombat! can you see the excitement on our faces? we were so happy to catch that wombat. dad, no worries, i don't think this wombat was about to use his ferocious teeth on us. he was freaked out of his mind.
this is fiji... i was almost on my last plane into australia... of course, this was taken long before the wombat pictures. i just like to confuse you all. fiji was absolutely gorgeous! the people and the land both. i wish i could've stayed there longer.
At March 7, 2007 at 4:26 p.m.,
Bethany Jade Speers said…
hey hey hey i wanna wombat chase!!! he looks very interesting....the wombat i mean. crazy looking animals. miss you stinky!
At March 8, 2007 at 9:58 a.m.,
Auntie Pam said…
great pics kristen! your family group looks like they're alot of fun. i had no idea wombats were that big! and you chased one why??? oh, i know, it's kinda like why do people climb mountains...because they're there! well, keep having fun; but keep in mind that you probably won't be allowed to bring everything you catch back to canada!!
love you!
auntie pam
At March 11, 2007 at 11:55 p.m.,
e said…
hey Kristen what courses are you taking? Anyways, keep it real and if you could slaughter some kangaroos and wombats and platypuses for me to eat when i get there, that would be great. Ok...thank you
God bless
At March 13, 2007 at 1:30 p.m.,
Anonymous said…
Try the shark...seriously. Try the shark, it's fantastic. So I'm still waiting on those shots of the opera house, and as for the wombat chasing...can you fit one of those in your bag by any chance? Chylar has been asking for you a lot lately, so we gotta work something out here. Do you have access to a DVD player or VHS? I'll send you some home vids of the little man. ANYWAYS...ummm...OPERA HOUSE PICS!
OH YEAH! Is there like a huge hype about the new Silverchair album in Australia? It's coming out on the 31st, but it won't be here until May, so I special ordered an early copy from Australia. Ciao bella.
At March 15, 2007 at 2:22 p.m.,
Lana-Banana said…
I love your pictures; I'm so happy to hear that you're making friends and enjoying yourself... although I do really miss you a lot! I sent you an e-mai a week or two ago on hotmail just updating you on everything that's going on here but I know that you don't get to check your e-mail very often. I just want you to know that I love you and you are the bravest, and strongest person I know for taking this adventure.
At March 15, 2007 at 7:08 p.m.,
Keanan said…
goodness gracious....i had been listening to my Hillsong worship cd....and then i read your last entry. oh how i coveted for a moment! oh well. how was the church? well, heidinger is still on stress leave, but he HAS started princess bride....MINUS ME! He never called Matt or I, and guess who's Wesley? Our very own Daniel Fewster, who by the way had a nasty fall off a roof the other day...oh well, I'll get my revenge somehow....keep on keepin' on! Jesus loves you...
At March 23, 2007 at 7:25 p.m.,
Anonymous said…
KRISTEN!!! i really like you a lot.
catch a wombat for me, k?
At March 31, 2007 at 12:06 a.m.,
Keanan said…
i just found out we're watching the princess bride for a uth event, so now i can't even pout and stay away. oh well. the tickets are $15! haha. how's australia with the family along?
At April 17, 2007 at 8:48 a.m.,
Anonymous said…
KRISTEN!!! thanks for the postcard. i laughed so hard! love and miss you.
At May 7, 2007 at 1:20 p.m.,
Anonymous said…
Hi Kristen!
Wow - you are the bravest person I know! That wombat looks fierce! I can't believe you would touch that thing - much less purposely go out chasing and capturing it! EEEP!
I'm glad you are doing well and enjoying your time there - we miss you here, but are really happy that you are following God's leading and I know He is doing awesome things for eternity through you! Make the most of every moment and make lots of memories!
Love you much!
At May 14, 2007 at 12:57 p.m.,
Anonymous said…
ok Kristen: like the last time you updated this blog was when in March. I guess not to much to tell about Aus
At June 8, 2007 at 12:11 a.m.,
kristen said…
hi, this is kristen! in case anyone looks at these comments... i can't remember my username and password for this blogpage... and whenever i try to fix that it just plain old doesn't work. so... hmm. that's that. i guess you'll just have to find out what's going on in my life from a more reliable source... people. good luck.
At June 19, 2007 at 11:49 a.m.,
Roo said…
kristen...come back to blog world!!!
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