basically what i wanted to say is that i saw the sydney opera house as well as the sydney harbour bridge. they are both beautiful! of course, the bridge isn't all that special, but the opera house is amazing. i took heaps of pictures, but i am not able to load them at the moment... such has been my life for the past month. well, soon, i assure you. you will then see what sydney looks like at this very minute! for now, i'll keep you in suspense!
i went to manly beach, which is beautiful, today. i didn't even go in the water however. there were a lot of blue-bottles... those are little jelly fish. they aren't deadly... but their sting is VERY painful. so, i didn't risk it. you all know how much i hate ocean life. but, i did enjoy the shopping and the shores of the beach. i enjoyed it so much that i got a little too much sun! but, that's not hard to do here in australia, seeing as the u.v. rays here are more powerful here than anywhere else in the world. well, i did put on some sunscreen... some.
tomorrow i'm back to campus. however, i'll also be visiting hillsong church with a couple of my girlfriends here. i'm so excited for that! for those of you who don't know hillsong, it's a huge church here in australia. their band also makes some of the best praise and worship music out there. and i'll be there tomorrow listening to a whole bunch of their new songs! i'm very excited to be visiting there.
well, in case you're wondering, i'm doing very well at school! my grades are very good. and i'm really enjoying it! talk to you later, and hopefully the next time i send a little message here, there will be pictures too! g'day!
At March 3, 2007 at 1:30 p.m.,
Anonymous said…
wow Kristen, Hillsong Church, do you think they'll ask you to sing if somebody can't make it?
At March 5, 2007 at 10:47 p.m.,
Bethany Jade Speers said…
a little sunscreen...let me guess SPF 4?? hmmm...doesnt suprise me silly goose.
love you and miss you tons!
At March 6, 2007 at 4:59 a.m.,
kristen said…
hey! no, it was spf 30! i hardly got any sun actually... compared to everyone else. my skin is still as fair as ever! actually, i am a little tan...
and i doubt i'll be asked by hillsong to sing. but, i have been singing lots here! it's awesome! people ask me to sing harmony for them all the time... it's good.
At March 13, 2007 at 1:25 p.m.,
Anonymous said…
I NEED PICTURES!!! I envy you, you have seen one of the 5 things on my list of things to see before I die. Lets hope you never go to Paris, or then I'm really screwed.
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