some bittersweet news
alas, this sunday marks the end of my employment at country snacks gas bar. i'm very happy about this, and yet sad. because i really enjoyed working there. i didn't enjoy going from a full day of work straight to another job, but i love the people! i loved working with my co-workers. i loved the customers that came in. i loved working for my bosses. it was good. but, as most things do, this must come to an end. i need to go home for an evening. spend time with my family. spend time with friends. so, it's a bittersweet event, but all in all i think it'll be worth it. yes, i will have less money coming in for australia... but i think i'll survive. yes, i will. happily, as a matter of fact. no more standing in the cold pumping gas, no more touque-flattened hair, no more gas smell, no more eating junk food constantly... it's a good thing. a great thing.the other day, someone wrote me a myspace message... someone who i've known for quite some time from afar, but never really met. he's from niverville and he's a few years older than me. and he comes to snacks regularly. he sent me a message one cold, winter night after he had visited snacks... saying "thank you" for pumping his gas in the frigid cold. that made it worthwhile. i found that very special. i like people. they are great. this just proved that.
At December 13, 2006 at 2:16 p.m.,
Anonymous said…
ahhhh - out door gas jockeys are among the most resiliant people I know.
At December 20, 2006 at 11:30 a.m.,
jb said…
i don't know about the whole gas jockey thing considering i've never worked at a gas station before... but i always feel sorry for those poor jockeys all bundled up in the minus 50 degree weather pumping gas while their hands grow numb... and in that light, i'm happy for you!! (i'm sure country snacks will miss you though)
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