About Me
- Name: kristen
- Location: Manitoba, Canada
hey everyone! my name is kristen! and i set up this blog to show you some of my creations. the name of my earring "company" is "outside the (shoe)box". right now, all my supplies are in a shoebox. and i am also giving 50% of all the proceeds of these earrings to crisis pregnancy centre. those are the 2 reasons for the name. a shoebox can relate to abortion - the doctors discard of the babies by putting their bodies in shoeboxes. and i want to take a stand against abortion, and join the cause of crisis pregnancy centre. it's not only about standing against abortion, but coming alongside the women/families affected by these little lives. so, take a look at my earrings, and if you're interested in purchasing any, leave a comment and we'll get in contact!
Previous Posts
- God is good.but seriously. he is so good.
- going back to what i was saying in my last post.....
- smiling is good for you
- so... it's been a while, hey?
- the joys of being a nanny
- my new friend
- ...speaking in riddles...
- it's great getting together with someone you haven...
- life is funny
- just feel like posting i guess
At June 8, 2009 at 7:00 p.m.,
Bethany Jade Speers said…
i love that photo so much...we're so freaking cute
At June 8, 2009 at 9:50 p.m.,
kristen said…
i love how my hand is twisted so awkwardly just to hold yours.
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