didn't take me too long this time, hey? point for me.
i like those days that just make you smile. or even just little moments that you can think of afterward and just smile about. and every time, it makes you smile. i had a good evening with my friend char tonight, and the things we talked about (not all, but certain things) just made me smile. and a lot of the silly things we did definitely made me smile. man, i love the little quirks everyone has. i'm a very detail-oriented person... and i definitely take note of people's quirks, random comments, speech mistakes... any tiny little thing you think goes unnoticed is probably caught by me. but worry not! it makes my day... and it makes me laugh... and it makes me smile from ear to ear! i love it!
anyway, i like smiling. and i've been having a lot of those moments lately. i mean, i love to smile anyway. but i've been having a lot of those moments that always make you smile when you think back on them. and even now just thinking about it makes me smile. aww. oh life. oh the ups and downs.
but you know what they say, "laughter is the best medicine." and there's always a smile involved in a laugh...
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