just feel like posting i guess
or whatever.
i'm super tired, and really hungry (or something), but i feel like doing a little something on the computer. not even sure what to write about to be honest. just feel like writing.
wow, what should i write about?
who is bored enough to read this? sorry if it's you... i didn't mean that you have no life.
maybe i should just pick a topic to write about... now...
so, my cousins jill and danae were just over. it's been about a year and a half since the three of us were together last. wow. i was in australia for a year, and danae just got back from over half a year across the world in various places, and we left jill here to fend for herself... but alas, today was the first day that we were ALL together again. the terrific trio returns. watch out world. so, the three of us have grown up together. we've always been there for each other. we can tell each other everything... really, no matter what, there's no judgment on anyone's part... we just listen. it's one of those great relationships that just picks up where we left off. no worries if it's been months, weeks, or just days. in this case, it's been a year and a half... well, not technically, because there's facebook and emails and stuff. but who counts technicalities anyway?
wow, all 3 of us have grown in crazy ways this last year. and it's great to see that in each other. and it's great to catch up after being apart for so long.
i don't really feel like going into details. so... i won't!
anyway, i was in a play this last weekend... we rehearsed for about a month+. not much more. it was good to act again. finally. and it's also good to be not acting now... i actually have a couple free evenings during the week. so, now i get to catch up on some much needed resting time. but yeah, it was good to act again, as i was saying. that's what i love to do... and i missed it while i was in australia. and then coming back and feeling sort of purposeless for a while... it was nice to have that purpose again. and now nannying... there's a lot of purpose in that. i'm not one to like to stay in one place... not necessarily geographically... but in my mind/heart. i like to be busy, doing stuff. learning stuff... stretching myself. but it's also nice after being stretched for a long time... to just take it easy and take it all in too.
anyway, now i don't feel like writing anymore, because... i don't feel there's much more to say. other than i feel that this was almost pointless (maybe someone will get something out of this), and it was sort of all over the place (and yet, not). i'm not one for liking to express how i'm feeling, so this is the deepest i'm going. there you go. but i'm usually kind of open if you ask me yourself. anyway, this doesn't really apply to anything i'm writing here. it's just one of those days. i don't even know what i'm saying anymore. i should go to bed. ok, wow, it's early. but i'm going to bed anyway. well, this was a treat. uh... talk to you later?
At April 30, 2008 at 9:06 p.m.,
Mills' Memoirs said…
I think you're great, Kristen:)
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