best week of all time
i've also never had such an exhausting week either. it's strange because now that filming is over (*shed a tear*), i've been able to get so much sleep (9-10 hours last night and the night before!)- and i feel more exhausted than i did when i would get 3-5 hours of sleep per night. weird. so, here's how filming ended up going (hours-wise): tuesday from 6pm-midnight, wednesday from 6pm-11:30pm, thursday from 2pm-7pm, saturday from 8:30am-6:30pm, and sunday from 8:30-7pm. crazy long nights and days. crazy short sleeps too! but, there is nothing i would've rather done.
it was incredible people. i can't stop talking about it or thinking about it. and you'd think that i would be really physically tired (or sick) by now, but i'm definitely more emotionally exhausted. believe me, you put EVERYTHING you have into each take. it's incredibly draining. and incredibly exhilarating at the same time. there's no experience like it. not for me, at least.
when i'm in australia, i'm going to miss this like crazy. i think i might just go insane. but, i know that i'm going to be there focussing on God. and when i can do that, i know that i'll be able to come home and really be a christian actress. not acting in christian movies- i keep telling people. but being a christian, and after that comes being an actress. i want to make wise decisions about roles i play, relationships that develop, things i say, and that sort of thing. just being a christian on set. that is the most important thing to me. and one of the most difficult things too.
well, that was my week! i didn't do a good job at explaining why it was so great, but believe me, it was one of the best weeks i've ever experienced. lovin' it!
At November 1, 2006 at 9:09 a.m.,
Roo said…
building memories with sisters is special, heh? i think i came to only reeeeeeeeeally appreciate my family when i was far away from them. you have some really sweet adventures ahead of you.
xo shalomy.
At November 1, 2006 at 10:19 a.m.,
Kate said…
that sounds so awesome! God has definately blessed you with some AWESOME acting abilities!
who knows... maybe you'll do a film in aussie?? LOL I love you Kristen, and I'll miss you like CRAZY!!!
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