what is so wrong with just being ME?

ok, ok. i know. i'm weird. maybe some people just don't understand weirdness. i'll tell you what i think- i don't understand what's so wrong with being weird!
sorry, i went off on a little rant there. back to the topic at hand. people are hard to please. let's face it. i mean, honestly, i don't think that I'M hard to please. but, society in general... is DEFINITELY hard to please. someone PLEASE tell me WHAT IS WRONG WITH BEING ME? why oh why do people struggle so much with wanting to be someone else. or being jealous of others because of that person's body, or financial situation, or boyfriend/girlfriend, or home life, and on and on and on and on.
we are so obsessed with being someone else that we've forgotten who we are! WHAT?????? how could someone forget who they are? um, easy. we keep trying to be someone we're not. i'll be honest here. i want to be an actress one day. well, i am an actress already- working on plays and films. but, seriously, i think that there are TONS of amazing actors/actresses out there who aren't trying to act as a career. they're acting to survive! acting like someone else. someone more popular. someone who all the guys/girls like. someone who gets more attention. someone who will make them feel more important. someone who will make them forget about the lonely, self-conscious, sad, unimportant person that they are.
let me tell you this- IT'S ALL BULLSHIT! i don't swear very often, but i feel i must in this case. please don't take offence. you are important! YOU! YOU! YOU! YOU! the person you pretend to be is NOT important. YOU are the one with the beautiful heart that has been hurt many many times over and over. stop believing the lie that you are not important, or beautiful, or loved, or likeable. AND START BELIEVING THE TRUTH THAT GOD HAS CREATED YOU A PECULIAR TREASURE WHO IS CHERISHED AND LOVED AND IMPORTANT AND UNIQUE!
At October 20, 2006 at 12:30 p.m.,
jb said…
you preach it girl!! right on! and just so you know ~ you are a beautiful woman, both inside and out. =) love you.
At October 21, 2006 at 11:43 a.m.,
Roo said…
i'm telling you kristen - BEING A NERD IS WHERE ITS AT! seriously, life as a nerd is THE BEST. I highly reccomend it. I don't understand why so many people are afraid of it.
take it from someone who knows. :)
At October 21, 2006 at 11:56 a.m.,
Bethany Jade Speers said…
thanks kris. youre an amazing sister. your really special. thanks again. ;)
At October 23, 2006 at 11:01 a.m.,
Roo said…
if you add "word verification" to your blog comments you will greatly decrease (if not eliminate) the pesky spammers. (see above comment)
At October 23, 2006 at 5:04 p.m.,
kristen said…
thanks ruth, i might just do that. i was asking myself, "who the heck does this person think he is? i'm sure they didn't actually read my blog." hehe
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