The Show Must Go On
This is how I felt yesterday: Too many things to think about, don't want to deal with anything. Life is so busy, and my mind isn't even here.
And the lunch-break came around. I went outside for a walk. I needed to get my car fixed, so I brought it to the shop and walked back to work. The clouds were ominous, hanging over town like they might just burst into rain. But there was also sun. There were ominous dark grey clouds, and in between those clouds there were little patches of sunny blue sky. It started to drizzle. Almost like a misty drizzle. You could hardly feel the rain because it was so faint, and yet when you felt your jacket it was soaked.
Yesterday's weather was a lot like how I was feeling. The rain clouds in my heart seemed so heavy and weighed on my soul. And yet, God was there. Like the sun peeking through the darkness, God was trying to show me that he was still there. The rain was refreshing. It wasn't a cold rain, but a crisp rain. It was like God's renewing rain was pouring down. Ever so softly, so it was hardly felt. But my skin was soaked from it. It was a beautiful picture of how I felt. And as I was walking back to work, I really felt God's presence and how he was with me. Even though my heart was aching, he was with me.

Psalm 13:5 says "But I trust in your unfailing love; my heart rejoices in your salvation."
At September 28, 2006 at 9:12 p.m.,
Roo said…
i love your heart. xo
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