Some days you just have to
i can safely say that i am probably one of the worst people for being busy ALL THE TIME. it's not always a bad thing, because i get to be with a lot of my friends and family. i like seeing people. i like knowing how they're doing. i like telling them how i'm doing (most of the time). but sometimes i forget that it's ok just to be alone.
no thinking. no talking. just breathing.
i like to keep busy. it makes me feel important. it makes me feel like i don't have time to think about what's going on in my life. and usually i like to be busy. i like pleasing people, not always for the right reasons, but i like to please them nonetheless. it's so hard for me to say "no" to people when they ask for a favour. not that i'll blame my busy-ness on others, i'll just blame it on my people-pleasing problem. hmm.
obviously, being busy isn't always good. being too busy can make me sick. it can make me avoid what's going on in my head or heart. it can make me go crazy. it can make me feel drained.
i don't like feeling drained. i like being excited about life and ready for whatever gets thrown at me. but when i'm drained, there's no energy to care. and i like to care. not caring to the extent of obsessing on how to keep people pleased with me. just caring. plain old caring.
well, i guess i don't have much of a point to this topic. just ranting. maybe just trying to encourage others that it's ok not to always feel like you need to give of yourself. maybe that sounded selfish. and i don't mean to sound selfish. but, to be honest, sometimes we just need to take time for ourselves. just to take a breather. just to rest. just to be. if we cannot take time just to be alone, we won't be able to give of ourselves because we'll have nothing left to give. take time to rest. you'll enjoy life more if it's at a slower pace.
At October 16, 2006 at 3:15 p.m.,
esther said…
hey kristen!!
was spending some time jumping around blogging world...and found you!!
~love your words
At October 16, 2006 at 5:13 p.m.,
jb said…
hey girl,
thanks for dropping by my blog! =)
seems i have an opposite problem... not busy enough! that means too much time on my hands to sit and think and obsess about my life... and believe me, that's not always a good thing!! really. love you!
At October 16, 2006 at 9:21 p.m.,
Roo said…
yeah! i love your heart kristen.
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