Well, as you know, I am leaving for Australia in a short time. To me, it doesn't seem very soon as of yet. But, I know the day will come quicker than expected! But today marks 4 short months before I'll be hopping on a plane for a two-day flight (or flights- plural) down to Aussi! I'm leaving on January 25th, 2007 and I'll be arriving in Sydney on January 27th. I'm going from Winnipeg to Minneapolis to L.A. to Fiji... then finally to Sydney! I'm sure by the time I get to Sydney, my body won't know what to do with itself. Australia is 15-16 hours ahead of Manitoba time... and that's confusing for my poor body. I'm sure the first few days of Cape will be a huge blur.So, that's my Aussi fill-in for the day. 4 months left! Where has all this time gone?
At September 25, 2006 at 5:29 p.m.,
Roo said…
yah for flights!!! i love flying...that in between time when no one knows where you are. ahhhh.
love it.
my flight to austrailia went from winnipeg to vancouver to hawaii to new zealand to sydney to melbourne.
love you
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