.just breathe.

green eyes, yeah the spotlight shines upon you


just a few pictures of my life...

now this beautiful lady standing next to me is my ultimate best friend. janelle (on the right). ain't she gorgeous? and she isn't just beautiful, she's brilliant too!
these are some of my best friends in the world. (standing left to right) trisha, kevin, and matthew, (sitting left to right) beverly, jesse, me, stephanie, and lana.
more pictures to come, i'm sure...


  • At September 19, 2006 at 1:47 p.m., Blogger Roo said…

    kristen!! welcome to bloggerville.
    ain't it great?

    glad to have you aboard. looking forward to checking out yer blogger bits.

    love you. xoxox

  • At September 19, 2006 at 3:52 p.m., Blogger kristen said…

    thanks ruth! i knew i could count on you to welcome me! now i can finally comment on your stuff as well as posting a bit of my own. i'm afraid that i won't be as faithful a blogger as you, however. but i will definitely try. i'll see if my life is interesting enough to blog about every day. hehe.

  • At September 21, 2006 at 7:42 p.m., Blogger Roo said…

    i bet you have waaaaaaay more inside you then you know yet.
    it just needed an opportunity to explode! xo

    it's surprising the blog-worthy pieces you find in your day to blog about.


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